It is with great pleasure we hereby announce Jens-Peter Saul, Group CEO at Ramboll, as a speaker at Aarhus Symposium 2015.

With extensive international leadership experience in large companies, Jens-Peter Saul has proven to be of great value for Ramboll. Shortly after Jens-Peter Saul was appointed CEO of Ramboll, he initiated a new strategy focusing on making cities worldwide more attractive, habitable, and sustainable. The decisive CEO stresses: “If you are good at something, you should seek to be the best. It is our ambition to be the leading organisation, when it comes to sustainable and liveable cities”.

At Aarhus Symposium 2015, Jens-Peter Saul will share his thoughts on proactively developing a smarter and more liveable society. Furthermore, Jens-Peter Saul will give a unique insight into what it takes to optimise the cities worldwide, while securing growth in Ramboll.

Stay updated on the programme for Aarhus Symposium 2015 here.

Aarhus Symposium