Aarhus Symposium Challenge is your opportunity to secure your seat for Aarhus Symposium and Aarhus Symposium Focus. Engage with great leaders of today by sharing your thoughts and your unique take on one of three challenges.
Before you start writing, you should be aware of the few formal requirements listed below:
Your submission qualifies for Aarhus Symposium Challenge when it meets all of the following requirements:
* Be of maximum 4,800 characters (incl. spaces)
* Be written in English or Danish
* Be anonymous – do not include your name in any of the pages
* Be handed in no later than September 22, 2024, at 23:59
A submission does not necessarily secure you a seat at Aarhus Symposium 2024. The 650 best submission will secure a seat at Aarhus Symposium 2024 and the 250 best submissions will also secure a seat at Aarhus Symposium Focus 2024.
You should hand in your submission contribution no later than September 22 on our sign-up system
Please be sure to meet all submission requirements before you upload. You can find all requirements in our Challenge handbook or on the Challenge page.
We encourage you to read the Challenge handbook or access the Challenge page which will provide you with inspiration for your submission.
The speakers for Aarhus Symposium 2024 are divided to speak on four different tracks. As you hand in your submission, you are asked to prioritize the four tracks.
Due to limited seats in the auditoriums, the tracks are allocated during the screening process – the more extraordinary submission, the greater chance to get your first priority track.
If you have chosen to be part of a group, the track prioritization of the entire group will be determined by the person who creates the group.
A group sign-up allows a maximum of three people to choose the same track priorities. This means that the members of a group will have the opportunity to experience the same track on November 1, 2024.
Each member of a group must still upload their own contribution to the Aarhus Symposium Challenge.
Only those members whose submission is among the 650 best, will be offered a seat at Aarhus Symposium 2024.
To sign up as a group, please press the group button found in the menu bar on our website.
You can sign up as a group by using the following steps:
1. All participants must first sign up to the system. You can sign up here.
2. Through the group button, one of the members can form the group. Please be aware that this person chooses track priorities that apply to the entire group.
3. The group member can now invite a maximum of two other students to join the group by entering their email.
4. A link is sent to the invitees by email, who must accept the invitation by clicking the link. Please check your spam filter if you have troubles finding the email.
5. The group is now formed. The members can leave the group at any time, but it must be before September 22, 2024 at 23:59.
6. Remember that each member must upload their own submission to the Aarhus Symposium Challenge. -
The maximum number of participants in a group is three. It is not possible to exceed this number.
To leave a group, please use the following steps
1. Go to our sign-up website
2. Select group sign-up from the menu bar
3. Select leave group
4. Confirm that you want to leave the group
Please be aware that all group members will be informed that you have left the group by email.
If you have followed the above instructions, but still have troubles forming your group, please contact it@aarhus-symposium.org
Please describe your problem in detail so that we are in the best position to help you. -
Your group must be formed before 22 September 2024 at 23:59.
You will receive an e-mail no later than mid-October, containing information regarding whether your submission has qualified to secure you a seat for Aarhus Symposium and/or Aarhus Symposium Focus.
A few weeks prior to Aarhus Symposium, you will receive information about your personal/group track allocation and further practical information regarding your participation.
If you are one of the few participants qualifying for Leaders’ Forum, you will be contacted by phone no later than at the end of October. Further details will be shared at this point in time.
After you have submitted your contribution to the Aarhus Symposium Challenge, it will be evaluated by three separate and independent boards. Each board reviews different aspects of your submission to find the most outstanding one. See below for information regarding the full screening process.
1) Screening board
* Checks compliance with formal requirements
* Reviews a strong argumentation and inspiring language
* Looks for innovative and original content
2) Knowledge board
* Reviews the overall quality of the submission
* Nominates submissions to Leaders’ Forum
3) The Aarhus Symposium Board of Directors
* Selects the winner (Between the 12 Leaders’ Forum Participants) of the Aarhus Symposium Award
The Aarhus Symposium Knowledge and Screening board consists of current and former organising committees.
If you write one of the most extraordinary and inspiring contributions, you will be invited to participate in the exclusive Leaders’ Forum. This is your unique opportunity to engage with one of the three Aarhus Symposium Challenge speakers.
On the day of Aarhus Symposium, an intimate and informal setting sets the scene for the exclusive one-hour Leaders’ Forum. Here, you will meet the speaker whose challenge you addressed and present your ideas from your submission.
The day before Leaders’ Forum, McKinsey & Company will host a workshop for all Leaders’ Forum participants. The purpose of the workshop is to prepare you for your session and give you the tools to communicate in a professional and clear manner.
On the day of Aarhus Symposium, the author behind the best submission is rewarded with the Aarhus Symposium Award and a check of 10.000 DKK. The winner is nominated by the Board of Directors, and will be announced at the end of Aarhus Symposium on November 1, 2024.
The sessions at Leaders’ Forum will take place on November 1, the day of Aarhus Symposium 2024. The sessions will take place in a pleasant and informal setting on Campus Fuglesangs Allé at Aarhus University, Aarhus BSS.
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