“The Danish society is among the most digitalized in the world, and this makes its public institutions very vulnerable to attacks through cyberspace from everywhere.”

In his essay, the winner of the Aarhus Symposium Award 2017, Bastian Emil Jørgensen, brought attention to how digital attacks, in his opinion, pose the biggest current threat against Denmark. Thereby, he managed to secure himself a private session with Bjarne Corydon, former Global Director, McKinsey Center for Government.

He calls for a reformation of the Danish military conscription to ensure that Denmark is well equipped to stand against cyberattacks. Thus, Denmark would be prepared for the threats of today and tomorrow.

Visit the following link to gain further insight into the innovative arguments of the essay that secured Bastian Emil Jørgensen the Aarhus Symposium Award 2017 here.

Aarhus Symposium