We are excited to announce Simon Giles, Global Cities Lead at Accenture, as a speaker at Aarhus Symposium 2015.
Simon Giles is one of the world’s leading experts on smart cities; a field within urban planning, which has had a tremendous upsurge during the last decade. As the Global Cities Lead at Accenture, he runs a team that advises cities, governments, and developers on economic development, citizen-centred design, and digital master planning. According to Simon Giles, there are three main challenges for the city of the future: Resource scarcity, adapting to climate change, and how to handle demographic changes of the city.
At Aarhus Symposium 2015, Simon Giles will introduce the process of smart cities going from pilot projects to established modern platforms. Furthermore, he will elaborate on the future of the concept of smart cities and the developments around the formation of smart city and nation platforms.
Stay updated on the programme for Aarhus Symposium 2015 here.